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Quiz Night 2023

We held a Fun Quiz Night on Friday 3rd November.

We had over 50 people, including members, friends and family who attended forming 6 teams, and we raised over £325 for the club.

With 2 running rounds and 8 other rounds there were 180 points potentially available. From the early rounds there were two front runners, and only two points separated the teams at the end. Table 4, The Chequered Shorts eventually won with a total score of 134, with Table 2, Better Without Dave, as runners up on 132. If Viv and Dave Haye's team hadn't have confused Mont St Michelle in France with St Michaels Mount in Cornwall, the night would have ended in a nail-biting tie break.

So, a very well done to Chris Frank's team who walked away with the winner's prize of 8 bottles of wine, and a few lucky individuals also won various raffle prizes. A great night was had by all.