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Club compeition finals weekend

25th & 26th September saw the finals of all this year's club competitions at Rosedale Bowls Club.

The weather was kind to us and all the games took place on an excellent green in front of an enthusiastic group of spectators.

Hot sausage lunches were provided on both days courtesy of Anne Powell and Marie Pinnington with help from Carol Earl and our bar man, Ivor Bishop. Delicious cakes were also enjoyed along with plenty of liquid refreshment.

Over £100.00. was raised for our centenary fund from the sale of the lunches and from a corner jack competition. All games were of the highest standard and the spectators were very well entertained throughout both days.

The winner of our Men's Championship competition this year was Ron Powell and the winner of the Ladies Championship was Wendy Jeffery.

The full results for the weekend were as follows:

Mens championship:

Ladies championship:

Men's handicap:

Ladies handicap:

Mixed Dough Shepherd Trophy:

Men's 3 Wood singles:

Ladies 3 Wood singles:

Men's 2 Wood singles:

Ladies Terene Trophy:

Men's Tollworthy Trophy:

Drawn Open 2 Wood Pairs :

Trophies will be presented at our presentation/Christmas party night in the main club hall on Saturday 4th December.