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  Rosedale Bowls Club Galleries

Pictures from the year of 2019 at the Rosedale Bowls Club

Weekly winter season short mat bowls night in our main club house.

Rosedale Bowls Club green.

Pavillion from the outside.

Pavillion from the outside.

Members playing a bowls match.

Members in team colours.

A lovely picture of the bowls green and pavillion.

An intersting game taking place.

Our enthusiastic Captain in action.

One of our lady members taking her bowl.

One of our mens teams at the club.

One of our ladies teams at the club.

Two of our members shaking hands aftera good game.

Our club competitions organiser, Bill Hayden.

Spectators on our terrace, watching a match on a nice summers evening.

Some of our ladies members with their trophies.